Ashford Oaks

San Antonio, Texas

Ashford Oaks

Service Type:Remedial Waterproofing

Scope:Installation of joint sealants, wet glazing, control joints and window perimeters


Ashford Oaks, a 13-story office building in San Antonio, Texas, built in 1984, was recently renovated under Woodside Capital Partners with upgraded elevators, exterior quality enhancements and an improved parking garage. Time and weather had taken its toll on this 34-year-old building, deteriorating the sealants and gaskets allowing water to infiltrate the building.

Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing was selected to perform a complete replacement of all sealants on the Ashford Oaks building envelope. This included wet glazing with Tremco Spectrum 2 as well as panel-to-panel joints and window perimeter joints with Tremco Spectrum 3.

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Category:Office / Commercial

Contract Amount:$350,000

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