Chamberlin Contributes to the Betterment of the Roofing Industry
Posted on: July 23, 2020 7 PM

The Alliance was established in 1996, as an adjunct to the
National Roofing Foundation (NRF). Its intent: to create an endowment fund and provide guidance and direction, to ensure that the NRF remains a highly focused resource for the roofing industry and its customers.
The Alliance brings together leading contactors, manufacturers and suppliers, who are each committed to the future of roofing. As a proud supporter of this initiative and the industry, Chamberlin committed in 2002 to a $50,000 contribution over the course of 5 years; $10,000 per year to the Alliance. The endowment will support programs designed to better the roofing industry.
The National Roofing Foundation’s work is positively affecting the growth and development of the industry. In recent years the Alliance has sponsored a public information outreach program, an employee satisfaction study, a roof application training program, career videotapes, best practices studies, safety initiatives and an awards program for outstanding roofing workers.
One of the most ambitious projects the Alliance has undertaken is the NRCA Roof Application Training Program. This video based program is available to contractors nationwide and offers module-based training in specific and varied roofing applications. The multi-media tools were professionally produced and provide basic training modules that would be cost-prohibitive for any one contractor to produce. The video series covers all aspects of roof installation, safety and quality work, and have proven to be effective training tools for companies like Chamberlin.
“The training videos are the perfect example of the benefits we can all gain from the work the Alliance is doing. We use them as part of our training program here at Chamberlin,” commented Bill Lawson, Chamberlin’s Houston Roofing Operations Manager. “When you consider that the quality of our training is directly related to the expertise our crews can provide, you can understand their importance. These tools are an incredible benefit to us; a benefit we can then pass on to our clients by providing them with a well-trained crew on the job.”
As a new member to the Alliance, Chamberlin plans to take an active role in bi-annual meetings and steering committee activities.
To learn more about the National Roofing Foundation’s Alliance for Progress visit
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