BridgeYear helps graduating high schoolers find their path

BridgeYear program coordinator Evelyn Melgar, from left, co-founder and chief program officer Victoria Doan and co-founder and executive director Victoria Chen connect underserved youth to careers and educational opportunities that provide economic stability and independence.
Graduating high school can be a suspenseful time for many students. Nestor Del Real, a high school student in Houston, Texas had no idea what he wanted to do after graduation. He said, “Counselors help, but they can’t answer all your questions. You have to figure some stuff out for yourself, and that’s hard to do when you’re not even sure what you’re interested in.” BridgeYear, a local nonprofit, is designed to help students in Del Real’s position understand their options and get on the right path. Former high school counselors Victoria Chen and Victoria Doan founded the organization in 2016 after noticing the trouble that students were having figuring out what they want to do after graduation. The nonprofit bridges the gap between graduation and post-high school careers.

BridgeYear uses two methods – a program called Career Test Drive and an advising program to help students navigate life immediately after high school. The Career Test Drive program is set up at schools and community colleges to give hands on experience. It is designed to emulate a traditional career fair, giving students the opportunity to “test drive” what certain careers involve by having them participate in interactive modules. Companies that partner the BridgeYear help build the modules, and then students can sign up to try them out.
Chamberlin Roofing & Waterproofing recently created a module for students to try their hand at caulking a roof. Other experiences let students wire a display with electricity or learn what’s involved with drawing blood from a patient. Tommy Hernandez, executive director of human resources, said, “Chamberlin’s partnership with BridgeYear is a game changer. It really opens students’ eyes to what a job involves. Without experiences like this, kids don’t really have any idea what a job actually is until they’re in it. With a Career Test Drive, they can get a taste and decide if they’re interested in learning more about it afterward.”
Through the BridgeYear experience, Del Real discovered his interest in phlebotomy. The module lasted about 25 minutes but it was enough to influence him to continue in the field.
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