Chamberlin Man Blog

Chamberlin University Graduates

Written by Admin | Jul 23, 2020 7:07:54 PM

A Chamberlin University roofing and waterproofing apprenticeship concluded earlier this year in Houston, Texas. The roofing course covered torch-applied training and each graduate received a CERTA Torch Certification. The waterproofing students trained on proper installation of joint sealants. A total of 19 Chamberlin employees graduated from the classes. A graduation ceremony will be planned for the near future.

Representatives from C3 and BridgeYear attended the joint sealants course to observe. C3 is a labor-neutral alliance that positively affects the issues facing the commercial construction industry to create a safe, skilled and sustainable craft workforce. BridgeYear helps educate high school students about trade professions in the construction industry. Congrats to all!

Chamberlin University graduates:

Edwin Canales James Howland Johnathon Morales
Marvin Canales Jared Britton Diego Valenzuela
Kevin Koch Juan Rodriguez Antonio Munoz
Casey Crews Axel Garcia Efrain Lopez
Ismael Alanis Avelardo Hernandez Michael Tatum
Victor Varela Benjamin Lopez Dustin Curry


Chamberlin University