Chamberlin University Graduates

A Chamberlin University roofing and waterproofing apprenticeship concluded earlier this year in Houston, Texas. The roofing course covered torch-applied training and each graduate received a CERTA Torch Certification. The waterproofing students trained on proper installation of joint sealants. A total of 19 Chamberlin employees graduated from the classes. A graduation ceremony will be planned for the near future.
Representatives from C3 and BridgeYear attended the joint sealants course to observe. C3 is a labor-neutral alliance that positively affects the issues facing the commercial construction industry to create a safe, skilled and sustainable craft workforce. BridgeYear helps educate high school students about trade professions in the construction industry. Congrats to all!
Chamberlin University graduates:
Edwin Canales | James Howland | Johnathon Morales |
Marvin Canales | Jared Britton | Diego Valenzuela |
Kevin Koch | Juan Rodriguez | Antonio Munoz |
Casey Crews | Axel Garcia | Efrain Lopez |
Ismael Alanis | Avelardo Hernandez | Michael Tatum |
Victor Varela | Benjamin Lopez | Dustin Curry |
Chamberlin University
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