Work Smart. Know the Hazards of Solvents.
Posted on: February 1, 2021 6 AM
Solvents are chemicals used to thin or dissolve paint, grease, epoxies, adhesives and coatings. These can be hazardous to your health when breathed in, get on your skin or swallowed. Some common solvents are: 1-bromopropane, acetone, benzene, denatured alcohols, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), n-hexane, perchlorethylene, turpentine, mineral spirits, toluene, trichloroethylene and xylene.

Remember This:
- Ask your employer or supervisor if the product you are using contains a solvent that could harm you. Check the product label or the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
- Ask your employer for training. OSHA requires employers to train employees using hazardous chemicals and to provide appropriate protective equipment, including:
- Chemical-resistant gloves.
- Eye protection.
- ANIOSH-approved respirator with the correct, color-coded cartridge for the chemical.
- Protect your skin by wearing long sleeves.
- Wash your skin immediately with soap and water, if the chemical gets on your skin. DO NOT wash your hands with a solvent, even if they are covered in paint.
- Make sure the work area is ventilated. Your employer is required to provide proper ventilation.
- If you are working in a confined space, there should be a competent person to make sure the space is safe before work begins. Ask your supervisor to identify the competent person and check with him/her before entering a confined space.
- Solvents are flammable. Keep them away from electrical hazards, heat and other fire starting hazards.
- Ask your employer if there is a water-based product that you can use instead of the solvent.
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