Chamberlin was honored to receive the Associated General Contractors (AGC) San Antonio Safe Specialty Contractor of the Year award at AGC Safety Fair and Cook-Off. Chip Goode and Matt Bonham represented Chamberlin in accepting this award and also cooked up some delicious food earning Chamberlin 1st place in the BBQ chicken cook-off. The Safety Award Categories were judged on projects worked on within the San Antonio AGC Jurisdiction. The award determination is made by a panel of are safety professionals. Chamberlin believes that strong leadership involvement is critical to a successful safety culture. Chamberlin President and CEO John Kafka's adage, "Safety: Every day, all the time, no excuses" that is known so well throughout our company is only one example of how our upper management sets the precedent for safety, clearly communicating to their employees in their actions and their words that safety is our top priority and reminding them that most injuries can be prevented. AGC seeks to build a network of South Texas construction professionals dedicated to improving the construction industry through leadership and quality service.